Elder Abuse Investigations – Tucson

Professional Elder Abuse Investigation

Elder abuse doesn´t just mean physical abuse. It relates to different situations, including financial abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. It’s a sad fact that much of the time, family members, or close friends, are those responsible for acts of abuse against a senior citizen. A lot of the time, financial gain can be a major factor.

From our experience, we know that elder abuse isn’t exclusive to poorer families with less opportunity or decent income—it happens everywhere. Perpetrators cut across the board from lower- and middle-class families to upper-class households with more than stable incomes.

Due to the close relationships that surround elder abuse cases, investigating them is often a difficult and time-consuming process. It takes patience and experience to conduct elder abuse investigations in Tucson, but that is something our knowledgeable team of private investigators has in bundles.

The Truth About Elder Abuse Investigations

Studies and research on elder abuse investigations have, until recently, been limited. The same can be said of investigations into the deaths of senior citizens. There are very few guidelines when it comes to forensic examinations of these cases and, as a result, it isn’t an area that many investigators have experience in. One of the problems with elder abuse investigations is that even professionals have difficulty spotting the difference between signs of natural aging—which can show themselves in different ways, such as bruising and injuries—and those related to physical abuse. This coupled with a lack of knowledge about elder abuse by doctors, medical examiners, and law-enforcement agencies, means many cases are overlooked.

So Why Choose Us?

Our elder abuse investigations in Tucson involve thorough searches into the background of individuals connected to the case, which can reveal a number of important factors. Patterns often emerge when investigating these cases, such as criminal history, bogus lawsuits against organizations for financial gain, unlawful business dealings, or bankruptcy. Our team of expert investigators knows the signs to look for and the best way to follow up on the information they discover.

A person involved in an elder abuse investigation is unlikely to disclose anything that might incriminate them, no matter how insignificant it may seem at first glance. However, it is easy to discredit an individual’s testimony with solid evidence at your disposal. Civil background checks can also uncover prior lawsuits revealing unreported previous injuries relating to an elder.

Support in Court!

By trusting Bond Investigations to conduct an elder abuse investigation in Tucson, you are hiring a firm that is committed to fighting for your right to know the truth. That means we are by your side from start to finish and will provide you with well-documented investigative reports to present in court. If you have any suspicions about an elder member of your family or a close friend who may be suffering abuse, we’re here to help you.

Want to Get Justice for an Elderly Person?

Call us today on (520)-428-7765 and talk to one of our team of experienced private investigators. We are happy to take on your case and supply you with evidence that will lead to the successful prosecution of the offender.

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