Services – Cleveland

Private Investigators in Cleveland

Cleveland Investigation Services We Offer


Private Investigations

Do you need to clear doubts in your mind about a suspected incident that may adversely affect your business or relationships? Bond Investigations has the capability and expertise to uncover the truth for your clarity and ultimate peace of mind.

Surveillance Investigations

With our well-organized investigative methods, sophisticated equipment, and advanced technology, we can conduct covert and thorough surveillance operations against a rogue person or a conspiring group that works to your company’s detriment.

Infidelity Investigations

Our professional private investigators conduct infidelity investigations discreetly and professionally to confirm cheating incidents involving a spouse or partner. We come up with compelling evidence you may use in court if necessary.

Child Custody Investigations

Our child custody investigations can help you pursue getting the right benefits your children deserve. We can gather information about the state of your children and the support the other parent is providing them.

Criminal Defense Investigations

We’ll support you the best way we can when you are being falsely charged with a crime. Our private investigators will conduct extensive criminal defense investigations to help support your claim and win your case.

Background Investigations

Bond Investigations conducts background investigations to check for integrity issues and misrepresentation against a new employee. Our findings will lay the groundwork for a smooth and healthy relationship with them.

Elder Abuse Investigations

Abuse committed against the elderly usually goes unnoticed. Bond Investigations can help confirm elderly abuse, neglect, or exploitation in the older person’s home, nursing home, or assisted living facility and support their cause.

Insurance Investigations

Our comprehensive insurance investigations of claims in vehicular accidents, personal or workplace injuries, and property damage are aimed at ensuring these claims are legitimate and accurate for your company’s protection.

Business Investigations

Our private investigators conduct exhaustive business investigations to uncover cases of wrongdoings that may cause business loss or bankruptcy of your business such as fraud, embezzlement, theft, copyright, and more.

Alimony Investigations

You can hire our services for alimony investigations if you believe there is sufficient proof that the court-ordered monetary spousal support you are providing is beyond what’s right. We can help you reduce or stop your alimony payments.

Skip Tracing

We have skilled skip tracers with a very high rate of success in knowing the whereabouts of persons of interest. Upon sharing the initial info you have, we’ll get work and pursue our goal of uncovering their whereabouts without letting up.

Locate Investigations

Our licensed private investigators have a track record of being able to find missing persons quickly and cost-effectively. We have access to updated data and sources in our network that can facilitate getting the results you want.

Words From Clients

  • I highly recommend Bond Investigations Inc. for any investigative need you have. They are very thorough and professional and get results quickly. Their investigators will work around the clock to investigate your case and they have the tools and resources to find what you are looking for. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed in their work.

    John Dowson
  • I had a delicate situation with my child a few years ago that needed investigation. I called around to several companies and got straightforward answers from Dorian Bond. I am so glad that I contacted him. He has a staff of full-time investigators with many years of experience. They handled my case with urgency and professionalism. Dorian and his staff are top-notch!

    Janete Jones

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Private Investigator Cleveland Services

Contact Us
600 Superior Avenue Suit 1300,
Cleveland, OH 441144
Phone:(216) 239 1749